15 January 2012

Goals for 2012

Taryn, my 8 year old daughter, loves American Girl dolls & books.  Her favorite stories are about Kit.  For those who don't know, Kit grew up during the Great Depression.  For some reason this has really made an impact on Taryn.  She will occasionally bring up something she learned in one of the books.  Lately she's been on a kick about "Waste not, want not."  We had a whole discussion about how it is better to look around and see what we have that we can use rather than making a trip to the store to buy it.

As I look around my very cluttered house, I realize I don't do a very good job of "waste not, want not."  I want new pillows for my living room, but can't find just exactly what will work.  But wait!  If I go digging around in one of the dozens of Rubbermaid totes in my very messy garage, I just might find what I want.

I'm determined to clear out the stash of fabric, yarn & scrapbooking supplies that I currently have, either by using them up, giving them away, or donating them to a charity who can use them.  If you love any of my hobbies, stay tuned for stash-clearing give-aways.  If you know of a charity who could use yarn or fabric, please post a comment with the info so that I can keep track of who might benefit from my extras!

I may even post a sew (or knit) along for projects I'm working on.  I have dozens of sewing, knitting & embroidery books I intend to use & will post what I'm working on as I go.

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